Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Why didn't I think of this sooner?

In the comments below add the following info: name, twitter username, affliction (fibro,lupus,RA, family, supporter, etc..), website or blog (if you have one). This way we can all come together and UNITE and help each other like we are so awesome at doing!

Pass this on! Let's support each other! :)


Jenny Bucket said...

Jen, @jennybucket, fibro, this is my blog :)

Jen Miller said...

I'm Jen and I have Fibro, IBS & Hypermobility
Twitter: jenkmiller75
My Blog:

Anonymous said...

I'm Summer & I live with Fibromyalgia and mixed-connective tissue disease.
Tweets @painydays and blog at

Anonymous said...

I'm Aimee & I battle Fibro,Neuropathy,CFS,Osteo Arthritis,PCOS,PTSD,Type 2 Diabetes,Bipolar Type 1,Cardiac Hypertrophy,Thyroid Disease.

Tweets @

Blogs @

Anonymous said...

That Blogger ID is invalid that it signed me up with, crazy! The valid one is listed in my comment

Lee said...

Great idea Jenny, would you all like to be in Fibro Blogger Directory too?

Jenny Bucket said...

Lee, I would love to be on the fibro directory! I will be redesigning my blog next week so I will be more than happy to add a link for you!

Jenny Bucket said...

Lee, I would love to be on the fibro directory! I will be redesigning my blog next week so I will be more than happy to add a link for you!

MoonNStarMommy said...

Jenny this is a great idea!! I have CFS (Fibro cousin) ... I was diagnosed at 16 :(
Name: Annissa (or Nissa)
Twitter @moonnstarmommy